What will coaching be like?
The first thing that clients want to know is what we'll cover in each coaching session and how a typical engagement will work.
The specifics can vary quite a lot based on your particular needs, but we will typically follow a structure like this.
- A 30-minute video chat to determine fit and suitability. Please start by filling out the basic info form at the bottom of this page to provide some info about yourself.
- Assuming that we both believe that this can be a productive interaction. we'll do our first deep dive conversation as soon as possible after the first chat. This will typically last from 90 minutes to two hours.
- After that session, I'll have enough information to formulate a game plan for how we can best move forward. Some folks will benefit from a short course of hourly sessions spread out in a bi-weekly cadence over the coming months. Some clients will benefit from a more intensive regimen.
- You will be billed the agreed-upon rate AFTER each session. If you're not totally happy with the service you receive, you won't be expected to pay. It's as simple as that.
How do you determine whether we are a suitable match?
Coaching needs are very personal. I happen to be most useful to open-minded and ambitious entrepreneurs. I also work well with highly technical and highly creative founders and business owners. In short, builders and creators. Based on past experience, I've found that I'm not as suitable a fit as an executive coach for folks in larger organizations. That's fine -- it takes all kinds!
It is usually apparent very quickly if there's a match.
How much does it cost?
My standard rate is $200 for a one hour session. If you aren't in a great position to pay at the moment, I encourage you to reach out anyway. Sometimes the fit outweighs financial considerations.